Rugby and AFL! Have to say I like the AFL better!
The 24 of March my parents arrived home, it felt a bit empty. I have had a great time with them and being away from them a long time and then meet them again reminds you how important they are to you. I really love them and even if you can’t stand them sometimes they are always there for you and they mean so much. I felt really calm and safe being with them. Being “alone” on the other side of the world you must be self confident and “out there” all the time. I really like that but it was really nice feeling you were a part of a family again.
Surprise for Josefine
At the 25 of March, Josefine’s birthday, me, amy and emelie went to Josefine’s place in the morning to celebrate her with cake and balloons, she got really happy.
Josefine turning 20 – Surprise for us
At the 26 of March it was time to celebrate Josephine’s birthday. We were first at her place where we ate really good food, drank nice cold wine and sang happy birthday. After this we were going in to the city for a surprise that Josefine had planned and the surprise was really good, we all got a dance lesson in pool dance and we were all wearing cute outfits. So much fun! After this we went to an apartment in the city and then it was time for the nightclub Home but we ended up at cargo bar instead, funny! A great night! Thanks Jossan!

A happy Amy, eating prawns! She is not allowed to do that otherwise beacuse she lives with a jewish family.

Australia Square – the rotating restaurant/bar.
At the 29 of March, me and some Swedish girls went to Australia Square, a rotating restaurant/bar with an amazing view all over Sydney. It was rotating 365 degrees and you could see so much. Me and Emelie went all the way around and one way around takes 1, 75 hours. We ordered the Cheese tasting plate, yummy!
Summarized time in Sydney with Emelie
Me and Emelie went to a Brazilian restaurant and we were talking about different things and suddenly we caught ourselves summarizing our time in Sydney which means it’s not much time left. We talked about how we met, on a bus:) and how we didn’t know that we were going to become so close friends. We talked about all the crazy things we done together and how a new city can make you change and think differently about life.
Saw Jersey Boys with Jack
Jack took me to the theatre where we saw Jersey Boys, a story about how they became big stars. Not a story on only roses. It was fun hearing songs from the 60’s.
Saw a rugby game for the first time in my life
The 1 of April I saw a rugby game for the first time in my life. Hah, that’s the day when you should fool people but because I’m in Australia I didn’t think about that at all, not even my Swedish friends did, not what I know at least:0. The rugby game was alright but it went so fast and it felt like we didn’t really watched the game, we were busy chatting about other things, but it was fun.
Cocktails in the afternoon
Me, Emelie and Alisha met in the city to get a coffee together. I knew where we were going, I had been there before, the place have good service, good prices and the place is nice. We ended up drinking a few Cocktails, starting at 5 pm, at 12am it was my birthday. We went to a place called Establishment , cool place but not my kind of music, and then we went to 333 bar as well. Another funny thing we did was that we took a “bike taxi”, so funny!
Apparently I thought this guy had way to many keys! Needed to be documented!!
Turning 20 – I should be at Systembolaget but instead I am watching the AFL!!
I started the day by meeting Jack, we had a coffee at a café in Bail Main and then I was going to the Olympic Park with the girls to see an AFL game. It was so much fun, I really loved it, much better than the rugby game. When I came home my host mum and Christian had presents and a cake for me, really cute!

Extra photos, check them out!

Monster truck. Check that out Filip, (brother), you would love this!!

Gonna miss u my man!
Love / Sosyaussie
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