Sailing trip, St Patricks Day, 21 birthday party......
At Friday evening, (11 of March), me, Emelie, Jeanette and Sussie, (Sussie is another Swedish girl that I met through Maria, a girl I know back from home), were going out sailing with some Aussie folks. We were a really nice crowd and met a lot of fun people. We sailed to Watsons Bay where we ordered lobster, prawns, octopus and so on, it was sooooo good. We had such a lovely evening listing to great music and seeing the Harbour Bridge and opera house from our boat, couldn’t be better. Some of us also slept on the boat and ate good breakfast at a restaurant the day after.

Petty good like Christian, (the three year old I am babysitting always says)

This was a guestlist to a sailing club but after few drinks at the boat I thought it was way more funny to write: "Sweden is the best, SWEDEN<3", I saw this the day after when I was going to the same restaurant/sailing club place and what I thought it was funny!!
Three drinks I really like at the moment
Raspberry caipirinha, passionfruit caipirinha and mixed berry caipirinha. Caipirinha it is! Yum!
Dinner with moi girls
Me and moi girls met in Bondi to have a “last dinner” all together because Jeanette is now traveling in Australia. We were going to a really nice restaurant named Max but they were renovating so we went to a thai restaurant instead, thai food is one of my favourite. After the dinner it was only me, Jeanette and Rachel left and we got all emotional because it was the last time that Jeanette and Rachel were meeting each other in Australia, it S*CK*!, and it’s just four days left and then Rach is going back to Ireland, it S*CK*. I will meet Jeanette again though because we are going to travel in Asia together.
Say whaaaaat!!?
Going back to Australia!
I am really going to come back to Australia and Sydney. I feel a little bit sad that I will leave Aussie without traveling around but I will definitely come back and “when you are waiting for something good you are never waiting to long”.
Parents involved in three incidents
My parents have been having a bit bad luck with their traveling but we just laugh about it, it’s pretty funny in one way. First, they missed their flight because Lufthansa were delayed so they had to stay one night in Frankfurt. Then when they were in Frankfurt it was bomb treat and last incident was in Melbourne where the fire alarm at their hotel started to sound and a voice were saying “evacuate immediately”. So, they were running outside in pyjamas and the fireman came immediately. It was a man who had smoked inside and it would start to burn if the fireman didn’t arrive in time. He had to pay 3000 dollars, (21 000 kr). I wonder what is happening next:0
St Patricks Day
St Patricks Day is the “Irish” day and of course I had to celebrate it with my Irish friend Rachel. We had so much fun! We went to Cock and Bull, a famous Irish pub in Bondi, it was crowded. In the beginning it wasn’t that fun because we had to wait for sooooo long to get something to drink but after that I met so many fun people. Actually I couldn’t find Rachel and everyone I was coming there with but I met guys from Brazil, France and Ireland and Australia of course. Fabulous night!

Yeah, u get a bit tired after St Patricks Day!!
Alisha turning 21
At Saturday I was at Bungalow 8, bar/night club in Darling Harbour to celebrate Alisha, the girl from United States. The funny thing was that I was going to meet a guy from the night we were sailing before Alisha’s birthday party and he said: “Do u wanna meet at Bungalow 8?” and I was like yeah sure, that’s were my friends birthday party are going to be tonight. So I was there from about 6pm to 2am. What a fun night!

Afterparty at a beautiful appartment with a beautiful view

Saying goodbye to Rachel, SOOOOOOOO sad!!
I was meeting Rachel at Gloria Jeans close to Town Hall for a last coffee time. We had such a good time, as usual. She is such an amazing girl. Rachel, u already know this because I’ve told you many times but you are an inspiring, humorous, giving, understandable, crazy, fun, alive and wonderful person. We can talk about so many things and I have never had a boring moment with you. I love u! I didn’t cry when I left you because I can’t be sad around you, you just make me feel happy and alive and it still feels like you are here with me and that I can meet you soon. When I saw your bus leaving I started to cry though but then I thought about you again and got happy again and it felt like you were close to me. Oh god, haha, sounds like I’m in love with you Rach;) haha! But as we say, we need the…..;)
Emelie not coming home after playdate
Emelie and Kilian came over to our house for a playdate but when she was going to go home it was pouring down so she couldn’t leave. When she was talking with here host family they decided that she had to take a taxi but it didn’t came so Lynda, my hostmum, said she could drive her home. So much drama for being a ordinary day, haha.
Some Fun Extra photos!

Horses at Bondi Beach, a bit weird!!

You are both very cute here, look like siblings!

Petty cute!!

Not so cute anymore, shit, here comes Johnny!!

Visited Palm Beach with my parents

So disgusting!! This is for scratching your back, uhh!
Love / Sosyaussie
Wine tasting, celebrating my 20 birthday and my parents arriving!
In my yard, were I live, we have a tennis court but I havn’t used it because the grass is to long so the ball doesn’t bounce. But then I got a good idea, I could play squash, or not really, but kind of, and it was really fun so I am going to do that from now on.
Breakfast at Harrys and iceberg with Jeanette
At Friday morning I went and ate breakfast with a German guy at Harrys café, a really nice café. Usually I don’t like Germans, haha, but he is very nice. My friend Charlotta from Sweden was there on a trial. After that I met Jeanette at iceberg and took a swim in the pool.
Wine, cheese and chocolate tasting at Hunter Valley with the girls
At Friday night me, Emelie, Amy and Josefine took a roadtrip to Hunter Valley. We stayed at a hostel that had a pool and bbq. It was a really good hostel and one night we made a bbq. At Saturday we went on wine, cheese and chocolate tasting and OMG, it was a lot of wine, I got more than tipsy, I couldn’t even drink the last tastings, so funny. I thought you would learn a bit more about wine though, typical Australians, being lazy with the information, but get very drunk;). At the evening we went to a pub and sang karaoke.

Modellen Josefine

At a winetasting a man was doing cakes and taking photos of them and he let us tast three different kinds, here is one of them. Yum!!
Playdates with Emelie and Kirsty
Emelie has started to come over with Killian, the baby she is babysitting, and we are having playdates. We feel so stupid that we havn’t thought about that before, it makes the working day much more fun. I have also visited Kirstys place now, a german girl, and the mother in her family just got one more baby, so cute and really tiny, never seen that tiny baby.
Jeanette, me and the Frenchman
The plan were that all of the girls were going out in Bondi but then it ended up with only me and Jeanette. We were planning to go to White Revolver but we had to pay to come in, which we never do;), so we went to another place and then to another one and then we ended up at Bondi Beach Road hotel, which we always do. I met a guy in the stairs at that place that I really recognized so we started to talk and he was friend with a French guy I met before. So, we ended up going to a after party with almost just French people.
I got really sad that night as well because I got a message from my host mum saying I couldn’t celebrate my 20 birthday at our place anymore but the French guy said, no worries, we can be in my apartment, really cute.
Jack celebrating my birthday
At my birthday party we were just going to be girls first but then meet up guys out. Jack couldn’t come because he works so much so he wanted to celebrate me at Thursday, the day before. We went to Sydney’s best thai restaurant, the food was amazing. I also got earrings with swallows. He said that it was because I’ve been flying here and are going to fly home, so cute. Then we went to the operabar for a while. Thank you Jack for a really good birthday present:)
Celebrating my 20 birthday- One of my best nights in Sydney!
I am actually turning 20 the 3 of April but because I wanted all my close friends here in Sydney to be able to join my birtday party, friday night was the only day I could have it before I go home. I will be here at my birthday but many of my friends will be traveling through Australia that day.
Anyway, we were first at the Frenchman apartment with all the girls I had invited and a few other people. We were a really nice crew and it was the best pre-party. I was serving some camembert cheese, grapes, strawberries and so on.
After this we were going in to the city to go to the nightclub Ivy. Some of my friends hitchhiked on the other side the road but they didn’t jump in so I crossed over, went in the car, said it was my birthday and then all the other girls jumped in and we had so much fun in to the city. A little bit dangerous and crazy but I was celebrating my 20 birthday, so;)
When we came to Ivy we had to pay 20 dollars each but we didn’t want to do that so we didn’t know what to do but then we found another way in, were you took an elevator up, and all the girls that went with me in to the city came in. We met all the other ones upstairs and had so much fun.
Then the French guy, his name is Nicolas, haha, wanted to bring me to the pool area but we had tried to come in their before and I said that it didn’t work but he said he would fix it so I didn’t know what to do but decided to go with him. So when we came there we just went in and he said to the guard that he had forgot his jacket in the wardrobe and we just ran and took the elevator up to the pool area. Up there I met Brendan, a guy that also were there to celebrate my birthday. They both asked me at exactly the same time if they could buy me a drink, pretty funny. I just started to talk about something else. Then we lost Nicolas and the girls were texting that they were going to a after party and that I had to hurry up. I couldn’t reach Nicolas, said bye to Brendan and then went out to a taxi were the girls were sitting and we were on our way to the after party.
The house was amazing, like being in a castle almost. I had so much fun there and we slept there that night. The day after the guy who lived there made breakfast to all of us, very cute, and we watched friends, me like. When we were going from the house almost everybody of us had the high heels in our hands. That’s how a night should end!!
Mardis grass – gay parad
At Saturday we, the girls, went to the gay parade, Mardis Grass, a very big and famous gay parade but we couldn’t see anything so we stood and looked at a big screen. It was so crowded and even if you stood on a stool you couldn’t see anything. We should had been there earlier to get good spots but because we were at the after party till the afternoon we didn't have time;) and the after party was awesome so it didn't matter. It was fun to see all the gay people been dressed out and feeling happy though.
My parents coming, so much fun!
My parents were planning to come to Sydney at Saturday morning but because Lufthansa was delayed to Frankfurt they missed their flight and had to stay there for one night so they came here Sunday morning instead.
Anyway, now they are here and mum loves Sydney already, typical her though. They love where I live, it’s impossible not loving it though, and we have been to Bondi Beach, the Rocks, Circualar Quay and Taronga Zoo so far. When I was in Hunter Valley I told people at the bus that it was the first time I had seen a kangaroo from the bus since I came here, which is four months ago and one woman was so chock. HAVE U BEEN IN AUSTRALIA FOR FOUR MONTHS AND NOT SEEN A KANGAROO, U MOST BE KIDDING!!! Haha. Anyway, now I have seen one for the second time, in a zoo and finally I’ve been to a zoo, that’s what everybody do when they come here. I am not very interested though but it was fun to see the kangaroo and koalas and so on.

BIG mistunderstanding! REALLY funny!
My dad got a message to his phone from a woman named Karin. In the message it said that she was in Sydney and that Maja would love to meet me. He didn’t know who this Karin was so I thought that Maja had to be my half brothers, wife’s daughter. So I checked her Facebook and it said that she was in Sydney so we thought, it most be her but who is this Karin? Then I saw that Maja’s friend Karin had commented that she was going to Sydney so I thought it must be her but dad doesn’t know her so we didn’t understand anything. Dad called the number anyway and it was his client Karin and they had talked about that they both were going to Sydney but he didn’t remember. But then dad didn’t understand how Karin could know Maja but Karins daughters name was Maja so it was not the same Maja at all. So weird that the Maja I thought it was were in Sydney as well. So funny!!!
Today, wednesday, we met Karin and Maja, really nice people and we had a funny time togheter:)
OMG, I have gained 10 kg!
Believe it or not but I have gained about 10 kg on 4.5 months. It was at the after party I weighed myself because I havn't done it the whole time that I have been here. SHIT!! I still look kind of the same though. My host mum says to me: "where is your food going, to the feets?".
LOVE / Sosyaussie